Welcome to Lucky Card company Phase 1

Lucky Card Company
6 min readJan 17, 2022

So you came across our Twitter page and were (hopefully) intrigued.

Allow us to introduce ourselves.

We are Lucky Card Company.

Our Mission is to create an NFT with the utility of airdropping large amounts of crypto every other week to a few of our holders. We are the NFT lottery. We will do this by putting 50% of revenue from the Lucky Card NFT sale into the community wallet. From there we will stake it in Olympus coin ($OHM) and every two weeks we will pull the interest we have earned out and give it away to 3 of our Lucky Cardholders via live drawing!

Match your charm & your number to the ones drawn and you win. Simple.

If you are like some of us, that may be all your attention span allows you to read. You have a TL;DR version of what we’re trying to do.

Now, if you’re still here, we are about to deep dive into how it’ll all work. We want to ensure that you know 100% of what you’re getting into if you decide to purchase one of our NFTs.

Let’s break it down into sections.

  1. The Card
  • Each card is 100% unique and a one of one. In addition to unique colors, backgrounds, and charms you will have a unique 4 digit number somewhere between 0001 & 9999.
  • Our Lucky Card NFTs are all created by our artist Rob. He’s a good guy, he can sing well too. His hope and ours is that you love the card you get.
  • Each card will have 1 of 7 lucky charms. These are important. Stay tuned.

2. The Cost

  • Each Lucky Card Company NFT will cost .033 ETH/card. We want the cost to be a very low barrier of entry for new NFT owners and Veteran NFT owners alike to invest.
  • If you’re new to NFTs on the Ethereum network you pay a “gas” fee per transaction. We recommend you have at least.06 ETH in your MetaMask wallet before purchasing a card so you don’t miss out because of the network fee.

3. The Game-Changer

  • We are taking 50% of the Ethereum generated from the NFT launch and putting it into a community wallet where we will purchase Olympus($OHM) coin and stake it. This coin currently earns over 3,000% interest per year.
  • Based on current pricing & interest rates we could be looking at airdropping between 5–8 ETH to 3 different people every other week. How’s this all possible? We encourage you to do your research on Olympus Coin & DeFi in general. Don’t hesitate to DM us on Twitter and we can speak about it in more detail further.

4. The Airdrops

  • Every other week we will go live on YouTube. First, we will either spin a wheel or another creative way to pick which of the 7 charms are going to be eligible for the next giveaway. Then we draw the 4 numbers. If they match the ones on the front of your card you win! Simple.
  • If you are one of our Lucky winners you will be asked to DM us on Twitter to claim your prize. You will have 24 hours, if it’s not claimed then we will do a one of redrawing and you will have regrets.
  • Imagine someone selling a Lucky Card NFT on OpenSea and their number gets drawn…well…hope you have quick fingers. We’ve said too much…

5. The Risk

We hope you’ve read all of the above paragraphs and had your curiosity peaked at this project. That’s by design. We’re beyond pumped too. Here’s the thing, there are risks if you invest in one of our NFT’s and we pride ourselves on being upfront and honest. So let’s talk about some risks…

  • We don’t sell out. We don’t even close to selling out. The only people that buy our NFTs are our wives boyfriends and you. That would suck, and we will do anything in our power to make sure that doesn’t happen (we hope you see that by our willingness to give away crypto before our launch). We need 1,000 of our NFTs to be sold in order for all of this to work. at 1,000 NFTs sold we can still give away around 1 ETH in crypto to 3 people and still kick off Phase 2 (more on this later). If we don’t reach that 1,000 threshold we’d be in a predicament and it could potentially render the project a miss in our book. But even in that case, we believe in the long-term sustainability in the project, so the 50% of the crypto will still sit accruing interest and making our amounts to giveaway larger once we hit 1000 sold.
  • Olympus & DeFi goes to $0. We have very little worry about this ever happening, but it would be foolish to not at least entertain the scenario. This would suck, as a community, we would establish a number in our mind and if a DeFi we were invested in got below that number we’d sell at look to go elsewhere or hold Ethereum. If we decide to just hold ethereum we would continue our giveaways until our community wallet is at 0.00 ETH. Then onto Phase 2.
  • You buy one or multiple NFTs and you don’t win a drawing. Realistically everyone won’t win. So what happens to your NFT if you don’t win? The good news is that your NFT is still a collectible. The secondary market is something we can’t control, so if the community thinks our NFTs aren’t worth a lot you could potentially be looking at a loss if you look to sell. We plan on building long-term value that we will speak on later so that you will never lose. But on the positive, as an avid NFT nut, you never know what the market will value something, so you could make money if you decide to sell.

6. The Vision (Phase 2 and Beyond)

  • Pie in the sky we sell out. That immediately kicks us into Phase 2 planning mode. We will get back in the lab to create unique NFTs.
  • Your Phase 1 NFT will be your ticket to being able to purchase a Phase 2 NFT. 1 Phase NFT= 1 Phase 2 NFT.
  • We create 10,000 Unique NFTs at .033. Again, we put 50% of the revenue into the community wallet, but this time we put it on top of the crypto that’s already in there. Doubling the amount we can give away/ week. But we want more of you to win, so instead of giving away to 3 people, we give away to 6 people.
  • We rinse and repeat this until Phase 10000000000000000. Seriously, we have no plans in stopping, because we know at some point the amount of people that can win this life-changing money is going to keep increasing each and every time until the point that we could have 1000 winners every two weeks. Seriously. We double-checked the math.

7. The Laws

Below are some of the things you can expect from us. Things we won’t do. Things we will do.

  • Nobody who makes any money off of the creation of the Lucky Card Company NFT will ever make a dime off of any drawing. In Phase 1 or any other phase going forward. So we won’t own any of our own NFT. Sad, but necessary.
  • Nobody will ever get a free NFT from us. We see no issue in people doing promotions for NFTs as giveaways, but the whole point of our NFT is to generate money for our investors. So if we gave away 20 NFT’s that’s .33 ETH that wouldn’t hit the community pot. IF we decide to give away a few of our NFTs they will be purchased by the Lucky Card Company and the full amount will be placed into the community pot.
  • We will remain Flexible. We love our vision, but we love progress and ideas more than we do our vision. So if as we are going we see a great idea that would benefit the project and the community as a whole we would take action.
  • Our hearts will always be generous. We want to be known as the most generous NFT project. Random acts of Generosity will happen. OFTEN.

Thank you so much, you’ve read the entire article. We hope you are interested in being a part of our project. Our DMs are always open.

Lucky Card Company

